The service uptime for every single shared web hosting account is of crucial importance. If you’re using a server which has chronic problems and your site is not available for extended periods of time, it is more likely that visitors will not return. Provided you have an online store, for example, this will mean lost customers and much less revenue. Your internet sites can even get penalized by search engines with lower rankings regardless how good their content is. In order to avoid such a scenario, it is best to always make sure that the hosting service you receive is stable. That way, the success of your internet site will depend only on its content and your marketing campaigns and won't be affected by hosting-related variables that you have no control of.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Shared Web Hosting
All our shared web hosting plans feature a 99.9% service uptime guarantee. We're able to reach that goal by using a groundbreaking cloud hosting platform in which each and every service (files, e-mail messages, databases, and so forth.) has its own set of servers. We do not run everything on one server as most providers do, so we have practically eliminated the downtime of any service and even in peak times we can balance the load between web servers for the greatest achievable performance of your web sites. If one web server fails, the other ones within the cluster will take over in order to enable uninterrupted functioning of the websites. To avoid infrastructural difficulties, our web server facilities use powerful diesel backup generators as well as several independent Internet providers as to ensure that visitors will be able to reach your internet sites no matter what. We also have a team of knowledgeable administrators tracking the servers 24/7/365.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Using our semi-dedicated server packages, you are going to enjoy a 99.9% service uptime and you can now forget about any difficulties you may have experienced with other providers. In comparison with the majority of hosting companies, we don't manage everything on one hosting server. Instead, every single part of the hosting service, including the file storage, e-mails, databases, CP, statistics, and so on., has its own clusters of web servers. If one machine fails, the others will take over, so your internet websites will not be affected. Additionally we use a cutting edge load-balancing platform that ensures the ideal performance of both our web servers and the internet websites accommodated on them. Several different Internet providers and diesel powered generators are our backup in the event of an infrastructural problem, while a crew of expert admins, which is available 24/7, watches the system in case of software issues. With our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages, your internet sites will be operational no matter what.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Servers Hosting
While we cannot control what you do with your dedicated server, what offline software or script-driven applications you install on it or when you reboot it, we can guarantee that it'll be accessible no less than 99.9% of the time. Your machine will be situated in our state-of-the-art facility in the downtown area of Chicago and its uptime and accessibility will be ensured by powerful diesel backup generators and redundant Internet providers, so no blackouts or other infrastructural troubles will affect the proper functioning of your sites at any time. Our professional group of system administrators will ensure that if your server stops for some reason, it will be rebooted right away. To prevent any chance of breakdowns, we are going to give you a hosting server with new and carefully tested hardware components to make certain that your sites are going to be working no matter what.